AKC Obedience & Rally®

The New River Valley Kennel Club hosts an annual two-day AKC Obedience & Rally® in Blacksburg, VA.

Event Fees:

AKC Obedience & Rally® is typically held at the following location:

Blacksburg Community Center (inside)
725 Patrick Henry Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060

Once details are finalized, they will be available on the New River Valley Kennel Club's Facebook page.


To compete in an American Kennel Club (AKC) Obedience or Rally® trial, your dog:

In addition:

Obedience Titles

BN Beginner Novice Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Beginner Novice classes at three trials
BN-V Beginner Novice Virtual Suffix
  • Three qualifying scores in Virtual Beginner Novice class
GN Graduate Novice Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Graduate Novice classes at three trials
GO Graduate Open Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Graduate Open classes at three trials
CD Companion Dog Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Novice classes at three trials
PCD Preferred Companion Dog Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Preferred Novice classes at three trials
CD-V Companion Dog Virtual Suffix
  • Three qualifying scores in Virtual Novice class
CDX Companion Dog Excellent Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Open classes at three trials
PCDX Preferred Companion Dog Excellent Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Preferred Open classes at three trials
UD Utility Dog Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Utility classes at three trials
PUTD Preferred Utility Dog Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Preferred Versatility classes at three trials
UDX#1 Utility Dog Excellent Suffix
  • Utility Dog Excellent title
  • Qualifying scores in both Open B and Utility B classes at 10 trials
PUDX#1 Preferred Utility Dog Excellent Suffix
  • Preferred Utility Dog Excellent title
  • Qualifying scores in both Preferred Open and Preferred Utility classes at 10 trials
VER Versatility Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in Versatility classes at three trials
OM#1 Obedience Master Suffix
  • 200 points from Open B and Utility B classes
OGM Obedience Grand Master Suffix
  • 10th level Obedience Master title
POC Preferred Obedience Champion Prefix
  • 750 points
  • Qualifying scores in both Preferred Open and Preferred Utility classes at 20 trials
OTCH Obedience Trial Champion Prefix
  • 100 points
  • 1st place wins in both Open B and Utility classes
  • Third 1st place win in either Open B or Utility class
  • 1st place must be awarded by three different judges
  • Open B must have six in competition
  • Utility must have three in competition
NOC Obedience National Champion of [YEAR] Prefix
  • Win the AKC Obedience National Championship

Rally Titles

RN Rally Novice Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in the Novice class at three trials
RI Rally Intermediate Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in the Intermediate class at three trials
RA Rally Advanced Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in the Advanced class at three trials
RE Rally Excellent Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in the Excellent class at three trials
RM#1 Rally Master Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in the Master class at 10 trials under two judges
RAE#1 Rally Advanced Excellent Suffix
  • Qualifying scores in both the Advanced B and Excellent B classes at 10 trials
RNC Rally National Champion of [YEAR] Prefix
  • Win the AKC Rally® National Championship
RACH#1 Rally Champion Prefix
  • 300 points from the Advanced B, Excellent B and Master classes
  • 150 points from the Master classes
  • 20 triple qualifying scores obtained from the Advanced B, Excellent B and Master classes

1 Title initials will be followed by a numeric designation indicating the number of times that the dog has met the requirements of the title.